Monday, July 4, 2011

my summer (so far)

Happy 4th of July! Obviously I'm not doing anything exciting this year because its 9pm and I'm at home writing a blog post. Its storming outside so going to the fireworks wouldn't have been a success anyway. My grandmother and my brother's girlfriend came over so we just had a family dinner +2 and made homemade ice cream. yummy in my tummy!

Here's what I've done this summer...

** Family Vaca! We went to our normal location, Myrtle Beach, SC, where we have been going since I was about 1. 7 years ago, or so, we fell in love with a place and we stay in the same condo every year its kind of like our home away from home. We vacation the first week of June, always. Its so early for a vacation and is much needed once school ends but now a month later I want to go back! It was a fun week. My brother's friend Matt, who is like my 2nd little brother, went along this year and we had a lot of fun. Give me the sand and a book with the ocean breeze and I'm a happy girl.

me & the boys
** Klare! My baby cousin was born. She is just the cutest little thing in the world. There is 21 years difference between us and I am no longer the only girl on that side of the family but she is just so sweet. I can't wait to watch her grow up. She was born while we were on vacation and I haven't seen her since she was 4 days old. I'm trying to schedule a play date. She is the newest little bulldog, I've already told her who the good team is :)

** Work! My summer plans were changed from trips back and forth from Athens & Rome because I got a babysitting job at home. I have only made it back to Athens twice for about 4 days total. I've worked 3 times at my job at McPhaul. I'm just glad I got to tell my babies in the 4 year old classroom goodbye the last time I was there. I'm going to really miss them! I do miss it and I miss my friends! I'm babysitting 3 kids. 2 boys and 1 girl and they are 11, 8 & 7. The boys (oldest 2) stay to themselves and their video games for the most part which leaves me and the little girl to watch tv and color and stuff. On good days they play and I sit on the couch and study and do whatever I want to. Not to mention they have a totally awesome coffee maker!

** Roadtrip! I went to Albany to see Sara & April. I have really missed them. I was with them a Sunday-Wednesday and we didn't document my journey with a single picture which is not like us at all. BUT it has been a highlight of my summer so far. I love them!

** I'm studying for the GRE. That is definitely not the highlight of my summer.Throw in VBS, church baseball and swimming adventures you have my typical summer. I haven't seen many people this summer so its been kind of boring sitting around my house. Its giving me time to think about things but its nice since I need to study. Lots & Lots of family time which is nice considering my brother moves off to college in August! I'm reading a lot and working on figuring out my life. I do love summer!

** Things to come:
-  Ansley's birthday
-  GRE 
-  Another spontaneous Athens trip (I hope)
-  My brother moves to college
-  School starting :(
-  My birthday (I'll be old)
-  Trying to decide if I want to cut my hair (I know, such a tough decision)
-  Seeing my friends!!!!!! (this will be my favorite)

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