Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All about me

Day 30: 15 facts and a picture of myself. 

Today wraps up my 30 day picture challenge! Today's is much like the fist post on my 30 day challenge I did in the fall. This is basically the same list maybe 1 or 2 different but the descriptions of each are there if you would like to know more about the facts. I can never come up with interesting facts about myself because I'm pretty much an open book when it comes to people knowing things about me. So.... 
1) My dream job would be to work at Crayola
2)My winter wardrobe is my favorite but I prefer fall/spring for a season
3)I love to bake
4) I love Disney
5) I love my eyes
6) Daisies are my favorite flower
7) I sing
8) I am a daddy's girl
9) I HATE spiders
10) I'm addicted to coffee
11) My Brother is my best friend
12) I love to read
13) Christmas is my favorite holiday
14)I’m not a huge fan of make-up
15) My favorite place in the world = the beach

 Until my next blog adventure...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

You make me smile...

Day 29: A picture that makes me smile.

I was trying to decide what picture I wanted to use for this post. I love pictures and I love a lot of the pictures with my friends. They all make me smile, so I had to pick one. The picture I picked is from my friend Whitney's wedding in November. When I look at it I smile because she is so so happy. I love her and her her husband. They are two of my favorite people ever. I'll always remember this beautiful day with my wonderful friends :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Day 28: Something I'm afraid of

Since I just had this conversation with my parents. Its fresh on my mind. Snakes. I'm afraid of snakes. Living in the middle of nowhere its gonna happen at least once a year. There is going to be a snake in my yard, on our porch, or in the road. We have a snake (I'm sure he's always different) that appears on our porch to try to eat the little birdies that have a nest. I'm terrified I'm going to be the one who see's him one year when I'm walking in the front door.

So yeah, I''m afraid of snakes. I don't care what kind of snake. In my opinion there is no "good" snake! Even looking up a picture freaks me out a little. haha.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family First

Day 27: A picture of myself and a family member

I chose this picture of me and my brother. A few months ago daddy had the "big tree" cut down from our front yard. This is the tree that produced all the leaves Seth and I jumped in all those years in the fall after school, this is the tree that we would spray water in and "make it rain" on a hot summer day, this is the tree we would climb and play army or just hide and seek, this is the tree that was first base when we would play baseball in the yard. I was really sad when I came home to find out the tree was going to be cut down. It's right outside my window and now when I look out there is just a big empty hole. Kind of sad. Yes, I know its just a tree and my house is surrounded but for 18 years it was there and then it was gone!
I forced Seth to take this picture with me (well, mom and I did because she wanted one).

Monday, April 18, 2011

Somthing Special

Day 26: A picture of something that means a lot to me

This necklace sometimes creeps my friends out but it's really special to me. This necklace is my peepaw's thumb print. After he passed away my mom, aunt and grandmother all got them but I wasn't ready to have one. I would wear my mom's whenever I would sing at church or whenever something big was happening in my life or just on random Sunday's when I would be home and she wasn't wearing it. For my 20th birthday I got my very own! I'm rarely seen without this around my neck. I wear it on days I look my worst or on days I'm going somewhere important. Its like having a piece of him with me wherever I go. Sometimes we wonder if its really his thumbprint or if its just a joke the funeral home plays on families. We have compared all of ours and they look identical. They also look different from other people's who have these so as far as I'm concerned its a little bit of him still with me wherever I go!

So, whether you think this is really creepy, really cool or just an interesting piece of jewelry its a part of my daily wardrobe and it means a lot. It's my good luck charm :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Its a great day to be alive!

Day 25: A picture (or in my case, pictures) of my day!

Today it was beautiful  outside. My parents were in town for Georgia's Spring game and Sara spent the day with us. We went to the football game, followed my some BBQ and then ventured to the baseball game. The baseball game was unfortunately sold out so we went to the tennis match (my mother loves, absolutely loves to watch tennis). Sara and I watched the baseball game from the outfield fence for a while before attending our first tennis match. Turns out, tennis isn't that bad to watch (cute boys are in attendance, haha).

3 sporting events in one day! wow! I also got to spend the day with my mommy, daddy and Sara! What could be better than that!  Here are some of the pictures I took to document our day :)

At the G-Day game!

Tennis Match! (aren't we super cute?)

Baseball through the fence and at a distance!

Toy Story clouds!!!!!!!! (It's the little things in life that make me happy)

tennis match

mommy and daddy <3 (and creeper guy in the background who tried to get in the picture)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reflections on my semester

I'm sitting at CFA "studying" waiting to go to campus and I've just been thinking....

This semester I have had to do something that I am not 100% comfortable with. I am taking a class that is all about elders and growing old. First let me say, those of you who know me well know that growing up is something I wish would take a time out for a while. Is my 4th year of college really coming to an end? Wow!
Anyway for this class I have to have a visitor for a "friendly visitors program". I was reassigned in the beginning of the semester from a lively lady who reminded me of my own grandmother to a lady who on most days doesn't remember where she is or does she ever remember my name. You can put me in a room full of children and I immediately know what to do, what to say and most of the time I just act like them! I'm just not comfortable around older people. Considering I grew up in a church where the population consist of older ladies this came as a shock to me. The difference here is, the ladies at my church have been there since day 1. In some way each of them has impacted my life significantly. I just don't know how to handle Ms. Emma. Today was my 7/8 visit and I learned something new. Normally we talk about the same things. She had a flower which she picked when it was just a rose bud and she put it in a cup of water to watch it grow! It's beautiful. I asked her if she liked flowers and her eyes lit up. She said she loved flowers and daisies are her favorite. MINE TOO! I have to give her a gift when I leave the program and now I know exactly what I want to give her.  Its amazing how I can feel miserable one second and then find out things about her life that amaze me the next. I pray for Ms. Emma because I know she is lonely. If my mind was going and I didn't have any family I would want  someone to visit me. She may not know who I am and I may have to repeat myself a thousand times but I do know that each and every visit I make an impact on her life. Just the fact that I visit with her for an hour makes her feel loved.

Now, (this one will be shorter) the second thing I have been reflecting on is my job. Like I said. I love children. I am so comfortable around kids. Its definitely how I want to spend the rest of my life. I just emailed the teacher I have been subbing for this semester to find out my last day. Its so sad to think my time with these adorable 4-5 year olds is about to come to a close. I have grown to know each of these children and they have become very special to me in their own way. Its going to be hard for me to tell them goodbye in couple of weeks.  I want to do something special for them, but I haven't decided what yet. Any ideas?

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! This semester is almost over!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What If...

What if the sky was green and the grass was blue?

Yes I'm blogging instead of finishing my project (that I forgot about and have spent too many hours today working on it) but I thought I deserved a break. I'm normally not up this late doing anything that involves using my brain. See, I'm practically a grandma (ask Ansley) and I like to go to bed between 10 and 10:30.

Anyway, back to my point. "What if" is just a phrase that should be erased from my vocabulary today. I have thought way too many times about those words. What if I would have done things differently freshman year, what if I was dating this one person from my past, what if I make the wrong decision about what I want to do with the rest of my life.

Today has been a strange day, I guess you could phrase it that way. Throughout the day there were little reminders of things that have happened to me. My iPod knew to add to this confusion by playing songs that reminded me of people or songs that dealt with my current feelings towards life. For instance Sara and I were just sitting in the grass before I had to go to work listening to music and "Should I Stay or Should I Go" starts playing. Yes, this was comical to us because that is what has been on my mind for days. Do I want to graduate in December or May. Its not that I'm afraid of growing up or entering the real world its about if I want to complete an internship class or not. Its not that tough of a decision because either way I see myself being happy I just don't want another "what if" to add to my collection.

It was brought to my attention today that I used the word "things" to describe my mood today. "Things" and worries  keep coming up that I shouldn't be thinking about. Why am I letting "things" get in the way of my life. That's just crazy. (See I know this, so why is it all I have been thinking about today?)

This post has turned into one big complaint but from it comes my final point which is what I want to leave you with...

A good friend drew my attention to a certain Bible Verse this afternoon Philippians 4:4-8. Read it, seriously. It puts all things in perspective.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sometimes I worry...

I'm taking a break from the 30 day picture challenge until I get Facebook back so I can have pictures:)  So the next few posts will be kind of random. Here goes...

Don't worry about tomorrow because God is already there. These words, so simple and so true, yet I can't seem to grasp the concept.

Lately, I have been worrying about things. They seem simple to outsiders but to me they seem like huge mountains I need to climb... Friends moving away, what I want to do with the rest of my life, friends getting married and talking about having kids. The list goes on. I keep telling myself I need to get through the next few hours of this day and to take things one day at a time. I can't control any of these things so why do I worry?

I was told it was because I'm a girl. Yeah, that doesn't have anything to do with it. Worrying comes from not trusting. Its hard for me to admit that fact but its true, I want things in MY time. I want to know what my life has planned for me. What job I am going to have, who I'm going to fall in love with, who truly matters in my life. If its meant for me to lose touch with friends who move away then that's a challenge I will have to face when the time comes.

My goal for the rest of the semester (and even after that) is to start putting my trust in God. He knows what he has planned for me and it's awesome. I just need to tell myself this every time I start to worry. I'm going to start focusing on the words of  Jeremiah 29:11

I have a lot of changes ahead of me in the next few months but I'm going to take them one step at a time.
