Friday, April 15, 2011

Reflections on my semester

I'm sitting at CFA "studying" waiting to go to campus and I've just been thinking....

This semester I have had to do something that I am not 100% comfortable with. I am taking a class that is all about elders and growing old. First let me say, those of you who know me well know that growing up is something I wish would take a time out for a while. Is my 4th year of college really coming to an end? Wow!
Anyway for this class I have to have a visitor for a "friendly visitors program". I was reassigned in the beginning of the semester from a lively lady who reminded me of my own grandmother to a lady who on most days doesn't remember where she is or does she ever remember my name. You can put me in a room full of children and I immediately know what to do, what to say and most of the time I just act like them! I'm just not comfortable around older people. Considering I grew up in a church where the population consist of older ladies this came as a shock to me. The difference here is, the ladies at my church have been there since day 1. In some way each of them has impacted my life significantly. I just don't know how to handle Ms. Emma. Today was my 7/8 visit and I learned something new. Normally we talk about the same things. She had a flower which she picked when it was just a rose bud and she put it in a cup of water to watch it grow! It's beautiful. I asked her if she liked flowers and her eyes lit up. She said she loved flowers and daisies are her favorite. MINE TOO! I have to give her a gift when I leave the program and now I know exactly what I want to give her.  Its amazing how I can feel miserable one second and then find out things about her life that amaze me the next. I pray for Ms. Emma because I know she is lonely. If my mind was going and I didn't have any family I would want  someone to visit me. She may not know who I am and I may have to repeat myself a thousand times but I do know that each and every visit I make an impact on her life. Just the fact that I visit with her for an hour makes her feel loved.

Now, (this one will be shorter) the second thing I have been reflecting on is my job. Like I said. I love children. I am so comfortable around kids. Its definitely how I want to spend the rest of my life. I just emailed the teacher I have been subbing for this semester to find out my last day. Its so sad to think my time with these adorable 4-5 year olds is about to come to a close. I have grown to know each of these children and they have become very special to me in their own way. Its going to be hard for me to tell them goodbye in couple of weeks.  I want to do something special for them, but I haven't decided what yet. Any ideas?

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! This semester is almost over!

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