Friday, December 3, 2010

30 day challenge:: DAY 1

Introduce, Recent Picture, and 15 Interesting Facts

So, as My Glee Pandora station plays (and I avoid doing my lab report) I am going to attempt day 1. 
- Introduction: I am participating in this 30 day challenge because everyone else is doing it. That, and the fact that it just looks fun. 
- Recent Picture: 
This is a picture of me and Leigh Ann at the Georgia vs. Georgia Tech game! It was cold so we are all bundled up. We won the game which is probably one of my favorite games of the year (because my mom is a Tech fan, boo!) 
- 15 Facts: 
1) I love sports: football is by far my favorite sport (UGA of course) and soccer is my least favorite sport. I played tennis and softball in high school and although I don't play softball anymore I still love a good game of tennis on a nice day. I grew up cheering for the Dawgs because of my daddy and the Steelers because of my mom (who has been a fan since she was 9! Now that's dedication). 
2)My winter wardrobe is my favorite: Unlike most girls, I don't shop for bags I shop for coats. I think my love of cold weather comes from the fact that I love coats, scarfs and hats. I love to bundle up and look extra cute. In the summer I just want to walk around in t-shirt and shorts all the time. When its cold outside I can dress extra cute. 
3)I love to bake: Baking is my go to activity when I am stressed. I don't really eat everything I bake but depending on my mood I will try some. I normally bake for Ansley (my roommate) because it helps my stress and it gives her dinner for a week (or day depending on how much she eats). I love cookies and cupcakes so when baking them is always fun to experiment. 
4) I love Disney: songs, movies, the happiest place on earth. I just love being reminded that everyone can be a kid! I am also still waiting on my prince charming, he may be lost so send him in the right direction if you see him! 
5) I love my eyes: my eyes are the perfect combination of my mom and dad. My mom and I sometimes have the same color but mostly her's are brown like my brother. My dad has blue eyes. I love them. I wanted them but unfortunately that didn't happen. I have really green eyes but the older I get the more blue-ish they can get in certain lights. 
6) Daisies are my favorite flower: I don't know why, they  just are. I joke by saying "they are happy flowers!" 
7) I sing: not many people know this about me but I do love to sing. I used to sing all the time before I came to college.
8) I am a daddy's girl: I always have been and always will be. Its a joke in my family that when I was around 3 or 4 I asked my dad if I could have his credit card instead of the few dollars he was giving me. My grandmother says I have had him wrapped around my finger always. I love my daddy. He is awesome and raised me to be the person I am today. 
9) I HATE spiders: I don't know where this fear came from. I can handle just about anything but spiders. They are just creepy and crawly. gross!!!
10) Coffee!!! My first experience with coffee came at my great-grandparents house from a sippy cup. I am now addicted. its sad. But when you have been drinking something since age 2 its kind of hard to not be. 
11) My family means the world to me: I was lucky enough to grow up with all but one set of my grand parents and great-grandparents as active parts of my life. Growing up it was not uncommon on my mom's side to get together and make up our own holiday just to hang out. I love my family and I am who I am today because of them. 
12) I love to read: I will read anything. Until college this wasn't the case but then something changed. I have always read but I have never collected books. I love classics. My uncle has a bookstore in Rome and I love to go home and just sit and talk to him. He is good at finding me any book that I want and I love it! I love the smell of books and just that they can take you away to a far away place. 
13) Christmas is my favorite holiday: The music, the food, the laughter, family, presents. I also love Christmas because of the most important reason. It's how we celebrate Jesus' birth. My church is BEAUTIFUL around this time of year. I love Christmas music and just that everyone smiles (unless they are at a mall) during the season. It is a time to reflect and enjoy the company of others not to mention the presents are an added bonus. 
14)I hate make-up: If you see me wearing make-up I am either dressed up or I just felt like putting it on that day. I can go days at a time without putting any on. When I do have it on though its not enough for anyone to really tell a difference. 
15) My favorite place in the world = the beach: I will get married on the beach one day. I love the beach from the sand to the water. It is a never ending scene and its beautiful. Give me a towel in the sand, a book in my hand and the noise of the waves and I am a happy happy girl.

That's day 1. It was harder than I thought it would be... 

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