Sunday, December 5, 2010

30 Day Challenge :: Day 3

My First Love-
Some people dread this question because there first love is not a happy experience. Some people love this question because they are still in love with their first love. Me, I just don't really have an answer to this question. (Back to my love of Disney) If my life was a Disney movie I would have met a stranger, fallen in love within a few days and been married. But, thats not how real life works.Sure, I've had guys in  my life but none that I would consider my first true love. I'm still waiting on that one. I don't see anything wrong with this. Somehow I've always managed to be broken hearted over a boy who just isn't worth it but I didn't love any of them. I've just considered myself to have crappy luck. I'm 21 and still waiting on that love but I have a feeling when it happens it will be so worth the wait and I can hopefully say one day that my first love was my only love. Until then I will just keep looking and waiting and trying to be patient because I know it will happen one day whenever its meant to happen. Timing is something I can't control...

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be so worth the wait and you will come out on top and everyone will be jealous! lol. Hopefully we'll both be able to say our first loves were our only loves!


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