Saturday, December 11, 2010

30 Day Challenge:: Day 9

A Picture of My Friends! I have been looking forward to this day because I absolutely LOVE my friends. If you don't make this post its just because I had too many finals to sit for hours talking about how special each of you are to me and how thankful I am. So just know, if you don't make the list, I value our friendship!
My oldest since babies friend: 

I have known Lacey for, well my whole life, 21 years. Lacey and I grew up together at church. Our parents grew up together in the same church and have always been friends. I think this is special because we were meant to be friends. Lace is a year older than me. She has always been a Tennessee fan but chose to come to UGA and that was a very happy day for me to see her in red/black instead of that orange and white. It was nice having Lace around my first 3 years of college. I didn't see her as much as I would have liked but knowing she was here was something special. I can depend on her for anything and I am so happy she is in my life. I am sooooo proud of her! She is a dancer and has always loved to dance. I am glad she has followed her passion because she is great at what she does! 

My High School Friend: 
Maddie and I HATED each other when we first met. She was in 7th grade when she moved to GA and i was in 8th. She joined the same basket ball team as me and she was my only competition. Which is why she hated me. Now she loves me and the feeling is mutual. I'm not sure when it happened but somewhere along the way we became best friends. We played all the same sports (except she didn't play tennis she did soccer) and we were inseparable at times. This is why Mads became part of my family. My mom considers Maddie to be her other child and she loves her like one of her own. As does the rest of my family. My uncle asks about Maddie every time I see him. Its good to have a friend like Maddie around. She is always encouraging me and I know I can do no wrong in her eyes. She came to UGA and I was so happy because I knew we could see each other all the time. I'm not gonna lie (I don't even know if she knew this) but leaving her behind in Rome was hard for me. She visited with our friend Whitney my freshman year and it made me so happy. We decided to try out SAO together and I'm glad we did. We have only grown closer throughout college and I am thankful to have her in my life. We have a friendship that will last forever. She has a huge heart and loves to work at camps over the summers. One day she will probably move far away and it will be hard but it will give me an excuse to travel wherever that may be so I can have a hug from my best friend! 

Some of my college friends:
Heather and I met during our first year in SAO and it hasn't been the same since. Heather is my accountability partner and I love her dearly. She has since moved away to attend nursing school and I am proud of all her hard work to get her there! I do miss her something terribly!! I often tell her that she is the smartest future nurse I know and I really do believe this. She can do anything she sets her mind to! HP and I have been through many, probably more than the average person, awkward moments but it has just made us that much closer. We are basically the same person and I love that. I am so thankful to have HP in my life because she is a great friend and person and she shares my love/addiction for coffee :) 

I am putting these two silly girls together (sorry guys!). When I think of one of them I automatically think of the other. They are definitely not the same person one eats lettuce one doesn't.  Yeah, something like that. They are best friends so thats why they go together. I was happy they let me squeeze into their friendship and become their 3rd roommate.We are ALWAYS talking, good thing there are many ways we can communicate with each other from any location! They never drive so without me they would probably be stuck in their apartment (thats a tad bit of an exaggeration but you get the picture). 
Sara: She is my little. I joke with her that she is my "accidental little" but actually I am SO GLAD we were put together. God had a plan in that one. She has become one of my best friends. I am constantly just calling her gate # because I'm bored and want a change of scenery. Basically I love her! 
April: She is pickier than me! I never knew that was possible :) April and I aren't very much a like but thats what makes use click. We met at a birthday dinner for one of our friends and thats when it started. We were also both in SAO which was another reason but I think it was after the dinner that we really started to know each other. Actually, now that I think about it, it was HER birthday dinner! We were celebrating her 21st even though she wasn't gonna be 21 until summer break! ha! I just love April. If I ever need fashion advice or someone to wear a cute bow with me, she's the one to call. 

Here are some more friend pictures:) 

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