Sunday, September 4, 2011

Waiting for my "Movie Moment"

You know that moment in a movie where the two main characters decide something should change for them? Not the, "love at first sight" moment (because I'm not quite sure I buy into that concept) but the moment after all of the ups and downs and they decide their life just can't be complete without each other.  The moment they realize no one else is going to be able understand them or know them like that person does. That's the moment I crave. I don't think I'm alone in this I'm pretty sure all girls feel the same way.

The other day in class we were talking about how we as a society see that romance and love should fall into a cookie cutter perfect shape. My professor called this "Disnification" of relationships. Well, growing up with Disney and watching romantic comedies in general I have fallen into this trap. I want my happily ever after.

Who but Disney could make a smart, fun, pretty girl fall for a "horrible beast" after just a few short days in the castle? Make an average girl walk into a party, lose her shoe and meet, literally, prince charming? Heck, I lose my shoes all the time when I wear heels and you don't see me walking arm and arm with my prince.

How many romantic comedies allow the characters a proper time before they fall in love? 30 minutes into the movie (maybe 2 weeks in movie time) the characters are in love and getting married. Yeah. Right! 22 years later and I still don't have this moment.

I'm beginning to think  my chance for a happily ever after is over. Thank you for creating characters in movies that don't exist in the real world. I've said it before...romantic comedies should come with guidelines or a warning label that real life isn't like this (yes, this is a "duh" moment but really...when is the last time you watched a movie and didn't say "I wish this would happen to me").

As I sit and watch movies and think about all of this I'll just keep waiting on my movie moment! I don't really want it to be epic but just knowing that I am loved would be nice. It's not something much to ask for. I just want a moment to be my own special scene that if I was watching my life on a big screen I could say, "now that, is a movie moment!"

Anyway, that is my rant on this rainy afternoon.

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